Tuesday, December 7, 2010

28 Week Check-up

Here's my update from the Dr. appointment this morning:
Glucose Screening: 123--I passed :) No gestational diabetes for me. 
Blood Pressure: 110/62--which we thought was pretty low but the nurse wasn't concerned
Weight:  139.7--I've gained 27lbs since I found out I was pregnant. Yikes!  The doc said it's nothing to worry about, so I'm going with that--bring on Christmas lunch and dinner!
Belly Button: successfully poking out--where are the band-aids???

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year..."

I love love love the Christmas season! Our house is sea of green and red with some twinkling lights mixed into the fold. I'm so excited to celebrate and visit with family and friends this season. As I was putting up the ornaments and other decorations, I couldn't help but think how different things will be next year.  Megan will be about 10 months and definitely mobile in one way or another. I doubt I will feel so comfortable leaving our ornaments and breakables strewn about on the floor. We also will bring her to our favorite Christmas tree farm where you can drink warm apple cider and listen to the Charlie Brown Christmas cd as you pick out the perfect tree. It's like we've stepped into Mayberry whenever we go.  I love it :-)

And the beat goes on...

Today we head to our 28 week doctor's appointment. In about 1 1/2 hours I'll be drinking a pretty sugary mixture aimed at testing whether or not I have gestational diabetes.  I'm not looking forward to that, but hopefully all will be well. More and more I am beginning to feel the pangs of pregnancy--mostly in my lower back and feet. I can neither sit or stand for long periods of time which is a bit annoying.  Reclining is also an issue.  I probably wake-up between 5 and 10 times a night just to re-adjust and get in a comfortable position. 

I've started reading aloud The Hunger Games series to Megan. I've been so disappointed that I haven't had time to finish the second book, that I thought 'why not kill two birds with one stone.' So...I am hosting my own little read aloud to her.  Sure it's taking me a lot longer than reading silently, but I like that we are both experiencing the book together. I hope this sparks a love of literature and how words can make music when put in the right order.

We are still working on getting Megan's room finished. I have hung and folded her clothes. I'm holding off on washing them for right now. We still need to purchase the dresser and crib and a few other essentials.  I'm oddly enough not too concerned.  It feels like there is plenty of time before Megan comes, but I'm probably just kidding myself.