Sunday, November 28, 2010


My heart has never been filled with more thanks and gratitude than this past Thanksgiving.  I spent the break from school doing exactly what I love: visiting with family and friends and nesting! Pregnancy has taught me a lot about myself.  Most importantly, it has taught me that the relationships I build with people are so much more important than my to-do-list. 

My sister came over this past week and helped me organize my house.  I am quite proud of all the work we were able to accomplish.  We put together the swings, moved the bed and other furniture, cleaned out the closets, hung curtains, decorated the house for Christmas, and organized Megan's clothes.  We had so much fun giggling and hanging out.  I also am working on getting the downstairs outfitted with curtains while Travis is working on getting the basement bar finished. It's amazing how having a baby can really light a fire under you!

My to-do-list is still long and overwhelming, but I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on things.  My priorities seem to be in the right spot--getting life ready for Megan. I'm not as concerned with the essays I have to grade, the cheers I have to teach, or the final exam I have to create.  I know (or hope) that it will all get done. As the weekend draws to a close, I know that I am most thankful for my relationships with the people that have graced my life. 

1 comment:

  1. SHARON! I have to say that this is the closest I have ever come to reactivating my Facebook account, because I was completely in the dark about this! It also makes me painfully aware of how long it's been since I've seen you. You look BEAUTIFUL and I am absolutely ecstatic to learn that you are having a baby! I am going to do everything in my power to make it to your Christmas party. It has been way too long! Congratulations again; I miss you and you still are and always will be the best mentor teacher ever!

    (Also, please ignore the fact that I'm posting as "Erin's Teaching Blog - EDU 610." I had to make a blog thru my google account when I was in grad school and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it!)
